Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Oh the downward spiral of negative self-talk

I felt strong yesterday. And stable. And happy. Then an offhanded comment sent me into a downward spiral of self-doubt and negative self talk. I managed to get in my workout, which I did 99% of, and then inhaled my dinner and had 7 oz of white wine and 3/4 of a dark chocolate bar from Trader Joe's. While watching the Biggest Loser finale. How's that for irony?

I find that when I'm inhaling food and in that mindset of Must.Get.More.Food.In.Mouth.Now. that I'm really shoving down my feelings, typically anxiety, about something, and that really I'm just terrified of talking about something that's making me crazy. So I consulted my therapist/husband, who actually is much better than a therapist cause he's REAL honest and tells me all the time that I overthink things, and told him what was on my mind, and we agreed that reality = reality, and there wasn't much I could do about it. And I felt immediately relieved, just by voicing it. The dark cloud lifted, my need to eat more chocolate (yes I considered it) and to be completely buzzed by bedtime passed. I wish that I hadn't eaten the chocolate and wine but I'm working on finding the courage to voice the scary, dark and twisty (Grey's Anatomy reference, thankyou).

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