Monday, December 3, 2007

Megan Has Gone Blog AWOL

So really, I'm posting solo. Sob.

I'm adopting the more-protein plan! I really am! I'm so freaking full I can barely move! I had cheese Thursday and Friday, and took massive amounts of Lactaid to avoid disastrous consequences, only to find that those things + a McDonald's double cheeseburger on Friday night = cement block stomach. Seriously. I ate prunes this morning, am taking my probiotics and drinking gallons of water. Please God let it help.

Yes, I ate a McDonald's cheeseburger. I was desperate, and stupid. I thought it was around 300 calories. Wrong. It's 440. Dammit.

You're probably wondering why I haven't weighed. This is why, though I'm considering the idea of weighing every day, rain or shine, just to get in the habit. That way I won't be pinning all my hopes, dreams and poo on one day. Know what I mean?

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