Tuesday, November 27, 2007

There Might Be Something to This Protein Thing...

No really. I am not hungry. At all. You know I cut out sugar (for the most part) in August, and that cut sugar cravings substantially (although the initial detox could only be described as sheer hell), but here I am, not hungry. FULL. I mean, Thanksgiving Full. I'm at 1,000 calories today and I can't even think about dinner yet. And I ate two hours ago! What is THAT? There may be something to this crazy protein amounts after all.

I'm going to LA next week for a conference (Electricity Markets 101 -- aren't you jealous?) on Tues-Thurs, which is always stressful to the diet. At these things the "continental breakfast" is always Sugar Bombs Galore, complete with a side of cream cheese (which I can't eat, sob). I always feel super guilty about not eating the free food, even though my company pays my way and my boss doesn't care if I spend $20 for eggs and blackberries. (That's the actual cost of my breakfast in Charlotte). I need to get over that. I plan on taking a bag of nuts and my beloved prunes for schnackies, but the meals will be a challenge. Damn. The good news is it looks like the hotel has a nice gym. Woo-woo! The bigger challenge, of course is figuring out how I'll get my hair products into the little containers so I don't have to check a bag... argh!


Anonymous said...

I hear ya. If I have just carbs for breakfast, I'm starving in an hour. If I add some protein, it really sticks with me.

Does wine count as a protein? I jest of course. Or do I??? : - )

Newmie said...

Take me with you. I need a vacation. I will smuggle your hair products for you and eat your free food.