Monday, November 26, 2007

Ahem, Miss Megan?

Where are you? What's happenin wich-yo weight loss? You may be beating me pound-wise, but I am beating you in blog entries! Did get vitamins?

I've managed to stay within my damn calorie range, actually, over the past three days. This is progress! I'm also trying very hard to eat an astonishing 130 g of protein a day, which is extremely hard to do (harder than you'd think!). Yesterday I was at 100, even with 2 eggs and 3 whites for my second dinner. (First dinner = SBD pizza so gooooood.) Dangit -- much more room to go! I just went down to the salad bar to pile 5-6 oz of chicken on my salad. I'm so thankful (har har) to be eating another meat besides turkey, which I know we'll be eating for the next zillion years.

So update me and our three readers!

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