Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Survey Says - ULCER!

So, my new year is not starting off quite as good or healthy as Heather's. I took her advice and worked out on New Year's Eve, but it was the longest 30-minutes of my life because I was hungry and tired. I haven't been feeling well - I've felt sick to my stomach and had a burning feeling right in the middle of my chest. It's been great fun.

In my attempt to identify the problem, I did a Google search for ulcers and realized that the 800mg of Motrin I'd been taking for my aching wrist had basically eaten a hole in my stomach. Nice. Add to the all the drinking I did over the holidays and the caffeine and you've got a recipe for an ulcer.

I feel like the oldest 36-year-old in the world. But I also feel better today (although my kid puked last night). I'll stop the bitching and just get back to the weight-loss. Tomorrow's weigh-in should prove interesting.

Heather - thanks for the workout mix. LOVE IT!


Unknown said...

My mom's remedy which has worked for me several times is just drinking a TON of mylanta for several days. It has to be the liquid kind though. I am not a doctor though, but definitely worked for me.

I hope you have a great New Year!

Anonymous said...

Oh, that does suck. I hope you feel better soon!

Heather said...

Gah! Not good! I'm sorry to hear it. Is Fin Ok today? Is throw-up run of the mill in toddler world?

SO glad you like the mix! Now I think of you when any of those songs come on -- especially the Mary J. Blige ones. She's so awesome.