Monday, December 3, 2007

Heather is a Blog-A-Holic

Ok, so I'm not addicted to blogging like SOME people we know (Heather), but I do have something to say. In fact, I've had a post written in my head since I weighed in last Thursday. I just never got it posted. Here goes.

You know that great scene in "Mr. Mom" when Michael Keaton is dropping the kids off for school and he's going the wrong way into the school's driveway and everyone is yelling, "You're doing it wrong!" Well, that's how I felt after weighing in last week. I only lost .4 lbs in 2 weeks after kicking my ass at the gym nearly every day. However, all of my exercising apparently doesn't mean squat if I'm not eating enough. If I exercise and eat the same amount, my body will hold onto what it has rather than shed the pounds. Go figure. So, I'm doing it wrong according to Weight Watchers, my husband, etc.

So, I need to go back to really counting points AND exercising AND eating enough. That's doing it right. We'll see if it works when I weigh in on Thursday.


Heather said...

Ha ha! I knew I could get you to post! mwaha hahahahaahah

You should really, really check out the blog of my trainer. She talks about this stuff all the time. The problem she has with WW, and with conventional "dieting" is that the less you eat, the more muscle you lose, which means that when you're down to your goal weight, you'll basically have to subsist on air since your metabolism will be so wacked.

Strength training = building muscle = making your metabolism go faster = you can eat more food and still lose. I'll send you some links -- at the risk of being completely obnoxious (I mean, even more so).

Heather said...

I forgot the most important thing!

After working out day in and day out, it's AMAZING that you lost weight!

Take your measurements, or get out a pair of too-tight pants. Let those + the scale be your guide.

I know it's hard though -- my weight has not moved at ALL. Has not moved. No seriously! But my pants get looser every week. Gain the muscle = be able to eat more food. Woo-hoo!!!!!