Sunday, December 30, 2007

Thanks KatieO!

KatieO over at Sister Skinny who posted on the PNP Board that if anyone was feeling bloated, gross and unmotivated after the holiday trough-eating of sugar and crap (guilty as charged), to get a workout in as soon as possible, and that a domino effect would occur -- you feel PUMPED after a workout, and all things seem possible again. 

And she was totally right. I just got finished (see my other blog for my post about my new HRM) and am now feeling much better about everything. 

Oh and also -- I saw Megan over the holiday and can testify she looks GREAT! So proud of her. 


katieo said...

I needed to read this today, lol! (I have gingerbread cookie aftertaste as I'm writing this. I CANNOT wait to get going tomorrow morning.)

And it's funny, I posted so late, I assumed no one even read that!

Heather said...

But I DID! Seriously, I was so excited today and I wanted to shout from the hilltops THANKS KATIEO!

So um, thanks! Again!