Thursday, November 8, 2007

I succumbed!

Fine, I had 2.5 pieces of bread. Fine. Fine. Fine. I surrender. I also had carpaccio and a green salad. Both were fantastic. I did not have wine or dessert -- major MAJOR accomplishments for me.

Megan, how did your weigh in go? I was down slightly this morning although I was so groggy I can't really recall. I had a dream that I was Katie Holmes, and I was dating this SUPER evil guy and for whatever reason he would hypnotize/drug me and then we'd do all of this horrible stuff like mug people and beat them up. Then I'd see them the next day, when I was back to my old self, and my friends and family were like WTF? And I'm like, what are you talking about? To boot, the guy looked like Christian Slater. I guess it officially qualifies as a nightmare then.

It was such a deep dream that I woke up at 6:20, and went back to sleep for TWENTY MINUTES and was able to hop right back in where I'd left off. Which was not where I wanted to be...

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