Thursday, January 31, 2008

This Blog Will Self-Destruct in 3, 2, 1 ...

So we're going to pull the plug on this blog. I'll still be blogging here, fear not. Thanks for reading!

What are we gonna do?

Megan, how's your weight loss going? What do you want to do with this blog, given that there's no competition anymore, because I had to go and get pregnant? :)

Monday, January 21, 2008

Megan's in Jamaica; I'm still here

Friends, I am doing well. Very well. Megan is in Jamaica sunning herself and hopefully enjoying impossibly high-calorie drinks. We'll try to post more soon...

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Good week!

I'm down 1.4 this week for a total loss of 10.8 pounds. My WW goal is to lose 16 lbs, my personal goal is to lose 20 pounds. We'll keep it up and see how it goes.

Heather, have fun in Mo-Town. Say Hi! to the guys from KISS

Oh Little Forgotten Blog

Sorry. I've been so very busy going completely nuts on the other blog I neglected to go nuts on this one!

I've had a really great week keeping calories low, planning meals, and getting in hard workouts (not being a baby). Yay me! I was so excited about my splurge meal yesterday I practically danced out of bed and skipped into the office -- not to mention the drive down to the pizza place. I was estatic! I told Pete I was going to eat half a pizza. I managed to get in two meat lover's slices before surrendering. Damn stomach shrinkage! Guess I won't be able to be in any eating contests anytime soon.

I will say that the good week/planning/crazy workouts has come at a cost: I haven't been home a lot, and our apartment is fairly messy as a result. The Christmas stuff I bought on sale Sunday is still sitting in the front entry way. I did do laundry (and folded it) but I haven't put it away. Life is all about priorities, right?

I'm heading to Detroit tomorrow morning and am going to try to work in 2 walks while I'm there (complete with snowsuit). I'll be home Monday (late) and will be weighing Wednesday (whenever I get off a plane, I am bloated and puffy as hell, so I'll let this go down a day).

Good luck at your weigh in tonight Megan! If I could fist-five you, I would.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

I'm A Schizophrenic, And So Am I

I just couldn't resist using that title after Heather's latest post. Thank you Bill Murray for those timeless words...

So, I read an article in January's issue of Glamour magazine about Getting To Your Happy Weight. It resonated with me. A person could lose all the weight in the world and still not be happy with themselves. It brings up some points for discussion such as: What is my real weight goal? Is it attainable? Will I be able to maintain it? And once I get there, then what?

I bring this up because I think it's a really good article, but also because I know Heather has been feeling frustrated about what SHE perceives as lack of progress. I don't know about you, but Heather is MY hero. Always working out (and enjoying it which is the key)! Reading about eating, learning and then putting it into practice (also key). I don't think, I KNOW (because I saw her recently) that she looks great. And it's not just because of a new haircut or a leaner waist, it's because she's happy and excited and about her new journey with Peter. I don't mean to be corny or mushy, but it's true.

That said, my advice to you my darling Heather, is to go back and think about your goal (tiny bikini) and how you want it to look and then how you're going to get there. Is the number on the scale the important? Is how the bikini fits important? If you look great, does it matter how much you weigh? And make sure you're eating enough with all of the exercise you're doing. Don't short-change your energy level.

Now, I'm off to sit on the couch and snuggle up with my hubby. GOOD NIGHT! : - )

I'm Really Not Schizo

No seriously. I know I posted below that I was increasing calories then the very next day, I post that I'm cutting them back. 

I'm not having a psychotic break. I'm torn between the advice of my trainer vs. how I know my body. 1700 calories is too much for my body to eat, says me. It may be fine for women who have actual height or super charged metabolisms. It appears I am not one of those women. So this book I'm reading talks about listening to your body, so I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna listen, and the message I'm hearing is YOU NEED TO EAT LESS CALORIES. 

Nuff said.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Thinking about Definitely Switching

I had an awesome week eating and workout wise, and I swear, when I weigh tomorrow, that scale will be the goddamn same thing. I feel great, I see a difference in my body, but damn. I can't believe I'll be the same weight while losing tons and tons of inches. What the hell?

I'm going to wait until tomorrow, but I'm considering either 1. DEFINITELY edging down my calories to 1500 or doing WW Core, where I'd have to limit things like peanut butter. Yesterday I had four tablespoons, so you see how this might be an advantage to uh, cut back.

I'm really pissed. It sucks to work this hard for now SIX MONTHS and my weight has not changed. Sure my skinny jeans are getting smaller -- but I bought them NEARLY TWO MONTHS AGO. Dammit.

It HAS to the calories. When I was first starting out the eating clean I wasn't counting calories but going more torwards how I felt, and I was dropping weight like crazy, but then I was feeling light-headed. Remember? Then I checked my calories and they were like 1,000. So clearly there's got to be a balance. My new calorie range is 1,300 for non-workout days and 1,500 for workout days.

I'll post tomorrow morning with my weight. Even if it's down a bit, which I seriously fucking doubt, I'm cutting the calories. Enough is enough.

Friday, January 4, 2008


Wow. You are certainly a badass. I'm so proud of you. How are your vitamins? ;)

I've had a really, really good week. Totally OP (on-plan), with no booze, no carbs at night, and aiming for my protein goals every day. I have noticed though that upon resuming my crazy workout routine, I'm starving. Starving. So I'm aiming for 1600-1700 calories a day instead of 1500-1700. And it seems to be making a difference. Belly flatter. Pants bigger. I am hoping working toward my goal jeans fitting by next weekend, when we head to Detroit. I also downloaded and started a new routine this week, and I feel like a total badass in my little gym at the office doing the heavy lifting again, and doing the HIIT.

PS I had my cheat meal last night with chicken mole poblano, an entire basket of chips and salsa, and a corona light, and some dark chocolate. Freaking awesome.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

I'm Claiming Victory!

Ok, I weighed in today for the first time since Christmas. I gained .4 pounds and I'm claiming VICTORY. It could have been worse, much, much worse. I didn't track points, I drank, I ate dessert. You get the picture.

So, we're back on the horse today. Tracking points, no drinking, etc. I look forward to reporting in next week!

To be continued...

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Survey Says - ULCER!

So, my new year is not starting off quite as good or healthy as Heather's. I took her advice and worked out on New Year's Eve, but it was the longest 30-minutes of my life because I was hungry and tired. I haven't been feeling well - I've felt sick to my stomach and had a burning feeling right in the middle of my chest. It's been great fun.

In my attempt to identify the problem, I did a Google search for ulcers and realized that the 800mg of Motrin I'd been taking for my aching wrist had basically eaten a hole in my stomach. Nice. Add to the all the drinking I did over the holidays and the caffeine and you've got a recipe for an ulcer.

I feel like the oldest 36-year-old in the world. But I also feel better today (although my kid puked last night). I'll stop the bitching and just get back to the weight-loss. Tomorrow's weigh-in should prove interesting.

Heather - thanks for the workout mix. LOVE IT!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Really inspiring post. Let me add kick Fat Girl Thinking to the curb on 2008 to my goals...